User Experience Web and Application Redesign Project

ASPR Ready Redesign Project 

ASPR Ready Redesign Project
The goal of the ASPR Redesign project was to create these specific Goals and Objectives

  • Simplify Submission Request Process
  • Streamline the Similar Request
  • Automate Request
  • Provide Better Search Capabilities
  • Increase Efficiency
  • Simplify Communication

Guiding Questions
To better understand the system we conducted a heavy amount of user research with our prospective users. This took place in the form of surveys, focus groups, and prototyping. To do so, we asked some guiding questions that allowed us to gain more insights into their experience across various responsibilities:

  • What are the typical support issues reported on a typical day?
  • What process do you take to log new or report on existing issues?
  • What are your biggest challenges when attempting to visualize difficult tasks?
  • What do you like/dislike about managing inventories within the current software?

Sample Design Process

 Sample Dashboard Design

The following data is sample data only and does not reflect any information on the HHS government website.

The designs listed below are sample home page application designs. This project is still in process and not live yet.